Music is extremely powerful for it evokes emotion. When words are set to a melody it becomes easier to remember. We all have songs that flit through our minds allowing us to recall the lyrics. The writers of advertising jingles are particularly adept at this. Rather than having your mind occupied by random songs, perhaps you can utlilize or create jingles that are more empowering for you and will help you program your subconscious for what you desire.
Here is two that I have used to start you off and inspire you.
An adaptation of the "Happy Birthday" melody.
More _________ for me,
More _________ for me,
More _________ More _________,
More _________ for me,
For Example:
More Money for me,
More Money for me,
More Money, More Money,
More Money for me
If you are interacting with children and teaching them this song as a family, here is an adaptation for all.
More _________ for you
More _________ for me
More _________ More _________
More _________ for us
Fill the blank ( _____) with anything you desire;
For example:
Two syllable words/expressions: Money, Clients, Savings, Open doors, Travel, Outings, Freedom, …
Three syllable words, phrases:Investments, Tidiness, Gratitude, Harmony, Confidence, …
Four syllable words phrases: Prosperity, Opportunities, finished project, ,…
One syllable words – these are a little harder as you’ll have to carry the note to keep the musical count. Love ->Lo-ove, Sales –> Sa-ales, Joy –> Jo-oy, etcetera.
The only limitation is your imagination. Keep it fun and playful and with time you’ll strengthen the neural networks for more positive outcomes in your life.
If you can’t think of something you want ‘more’ of but can think of things you would like ‘less’ of – While it is a good starting place, be careful adapting it into the negative, such as
Less_________ for me
Less_________ for me,
Less _________ Less _________
Less_________ for me.
For Example – While tapping
Less clutter for me,
Less clutter for me,
Less clutter, Less clutter,
Less clutter for me.
Less clutter for me,
More Order for me,
Less clutter, More Neatness,
More Order for me,.
More Order for me,
More Neatness for me,
More Order, More Neatness,
More Order for me,
The subconscious doesn’t filter words easily, thus it tends to only hear the primary word, which in this case would be what you insert into the blank. We don’t want more problems, clutter, ….so let’s not use that word. If you are applying EFT and tapping on the meridian points while you sing, you can mix up the negative rounds with the positive rounds.
I started singing this little ditty with ‘less clutter’ and in short order I was inspired to put away a few things that had been left out.
Do use your dictionary or thesaurus to find the right words for you, that fit your desires and that have the syllable count to match the melody. You will want the positive words that define what you desire. It is easy to type into an internet search bar ‘what is the opposite of ____’
Finish any rounds on the positive.
To the tune of "Muffin Man"
“Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man, the muffin man.
Do you know the muffin man who lives on Drury Lane”
“Yes, I know the muffin man. The muffin man, the muffin man.
Oh, yes, I know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane.”
The simplest way to adapt this song is to swap out ‘muffin’ with ‘money’ and keep the man in if you are a man or change it to ma’am if you are a woman.
You are of course welcome to swap ‘muffin’ for any other word (2 syllable words work best) and you can change man to any descriptive adjective that you are comfortable using to describe yourself. For example, King, Queen, Boss, …
If your street doesn’t fit the 3 syllables replacement of “Drury Lane” you can swap “on” for in and reference your city or county.
Adaptation # 1
“Do you know the money ma’am? The money ma’am, the money ma’am.
Do you know the money ma’am who lives on Walnut Ave.?
“Yes, I know the money ma’am. The money ma’am, the money ma’am.
For yes, I am the money ma’am, who lives on Walnut Ave..
Adaptation # 2
“Do you know the Success Queen? The Success Queen, the Success Queen.
Do you know the Success Queen who lives in Canada?
“Yes, I know the Success Queen. The Success Queen, the Success Queen.
For yes, I am the Success Queen, who lives in Canada.”
“Rain Rain Go Away”
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
Pain, pain, go away
Disappear, out of the way.
Pain, pain, go away
Depart, be on your way.
Mess, mess go away
Take flight be on your way.
____, ___ go away
Vacate, and fade away.
Bugs, bugs, go away
perish, and pass away.
Pain can refer to both physical pains as well as emotional ones.
Alternative words:
Fear, Ache, guilt, rage, …
mess, dirt, …
Bills, debt, …
bugs, ants, …
Create your own
If you choose to create your own, I would love to see them. If you are comfortable, I’ll add them to this page, for others to gain inspiration as well.