Drop in Writing Group
This is a guilt free writing group. Stay as long as you desire, leave when you need to. Come when you can, there is no attendance being taken so if you can’t attend, we won’t tsk-tsk and shame you. PJ’s welcome. So please honour you and be where you need to be.
July & August 2021 Registration link
Mornings 8:30 AM-ish (- 9:15ish) Eastern (Canada & U.S.) – think Toronto. Sometimes you’ll find us still writing at 10am but no promises. Feel free to come early, or come mid way. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email that contains the link to join the meeting.
Writing Options:
Free flow journalling / Morning Pages / …
An article, that book inside you, an academic paper
Pick one of the prompts offered – changes daily
Writing is the most profound way of codifying your thoughts, the best way of learning from yourself who you are and what you believe.
Warren Bennis
Please have your microphone & camera off. This is to minimize distractions for those writing. Some may have logged on 5 or 15 minutes before you, and we don’t want to interrupt them.
Chat Box
Feel free to use the chat box to write down your intention for the day (length, topic, process) at the beginning of your write. Feel free to share anything you desire about the day’s write, mid way or when you are complete.
Thank you Kallista for the opportunity to make a commitment to myself to write, which I’ve been wanting to do, but never seem to get around to it.
This was great. I got a lot accomplished in just a half-hour. It really helped to have the structure of this group to keep me focused!
Thank you for this, Kallista! So excited to be here.