Frances Pottenger's Cat Experiment

In the 1930’s Frances Pottenger Jr. MD (California) conducted a 10 year study using over 900 cats, to explore diet.

Physical, emotional, skeletal, sexual, and behavioural (abnormal) changes became more pronounced and prevalent with each successive generation, as the cats were increasingly ‘less healthy’ until the 4th generation when the few that were born died as kittens without reaching adulthood.

The male cats used for breeding purposes were given all raw diets with each generation.
Meat Study
Diet A.  ‘All raw’   ~  1/3 raw milk,  cod liver oil, 2/3 raw meat
Diet B ‘Cooked’   ~  1/3  raw milk, cod liver oil  2/3 cooked meat
Milk study
Diet A ~ all raw 1/3 raw meat cold liver oil, 2/3 raw milk
Diet B  ~ 1/3 raw meat cold liver oil, 2/3 pasteurized milk
Diet C  ~ 1/3 raw meat cold liver oil, 2/3 evaporated milk
Diet D ~ 1/3 raw meat cold liver oil, 2/3 sweetened condensed  milk
Diet E ~ raw metabolized milk, Vit D milk from cows fed on 1 dry feed and 2 green feed
Only the A diets were adequate for maintaining optimal health of the cats from  generation to generation. 
Degenerative deceases increased with each generation and more quickly on Diets C & D
Cats died out by the 4th generation, due to infertility and/or inability to mature into adulthood.
spontaneous abortion increased from 25% to 70% in the second generation, 
Gender differences decreased – physical & personality. 
Increased homosexuality
Weakened bone structure, teeth, skin etcetera.
Increase in various abnormalities increase
Conclusion  – Eat natural unprocessed foods. for optimal health, as one improves their diet their health improves as well. 

 This oldish video,  I believe from Price (from this link  is here  Pottenger’s Cats.  From 2006. You will find it interesting. There is Price’s preamble until 10:40 into the 28:38 minute video.

What is interesting about the video is that not only were the cats affected, but when the cages were emptied and the weeds took over, the weeds prospered in the cages where the cats  on a raw diet were kept. The weeds were more sparse and less healthy in the cages from the cats fed a cooked(unnatural) diet.

Raw (natural) foods.

Cats remained healthy through all four generations

Denatured (processed) foods

1st generation – developed diseases and illnesses near end of life

2nd generation – developed diseases and illnesses in mid life

3rd generation – developed diseases and illnesses in beginning of life, many died before 6 months of age (adulthood in cats is 12-18 months).

No  4th generation produced. Either 3rd generation mothers were sterile or 4th generation cats were spontaneously aborted before birth.

    • Just something hanging out on the Internet that you might be interested in this 400 page doc about Pasteur, was he a fake or stole someone else’s findings. Hume, E. D. (1932). Bechamp Or Pasteur?. Daniel. 