Thank you for donating to Create Global Healing.

I’m glad that you enjoyed the Money Mindset Summit. I trust that you will further enjoy listening to the Audios again as well as capitalizing on the gifts of my colleagues and I.

As my thank you gift to you, you will receive the following:

  • An article on – The Power of an Investment Club: Tips on Finding or Creating an investment Club.
  • An article – Are you ready for a windfall?
  • A PDF booklet with EFT scripts

To receive your gifts, please fill out the ‘contact form’ below.

    Please tell me why you are writing, I have not mastered my psychic skills, so any clues you can give would be appreciated. As once the email arrives in my inbox, I'll need to be able to discern it from other; emails, comments, or requests so that I can respond accordingly, as not everything is automated in my world. Thank you.

    Message (Favourite take away or A-ha moment from the summit, or anything else you want to comment on or ask)