Additional Verbiage
- Vaccinate the vulnerable – not healthy
- Leaky Vaccine ( Andy Slavitt – Joe Biden’s guy)
- Anti mandates is not antivaccine.
- vaccine is to Protect yourself – not others
- Vaccines don’t protect against virus.
- Vaccinated transmit covid as well
- Weakness to covid policies
- Covid does not need constant emergency measures
- Respond to events in a sensible manner
- Risk is immeasurable
- Medical system manages illness – not creating health
- Preliminary conclusion
- Only healthy people were included in phase 1 trials
- May 2023
- When the medication is put out in the real world – the research expands – and many drugs are retracted.
- History repeats itself (errors/ failure to learn)
- Emergency application does not allow the gov’t to take informed consent off the table.
- Due Process / Due diligence
- The illusion of a choice
- Is the agenda to get to a solution?
- (Medical ) expeience is being overridden by administrators (Dr Bridle et al)
- No precedence for drugging someone as a condition of employment (outside of vaccines in healthcare)
- Education & intelligence have nothing to do with wisdom & reason. It also have nothing to do with kindness or compassion.
- Sovereign being or property of the state?
- Values of society are shifting
- Subjugation /management/enslavement of humans
- abolish; democracy, human rights, free will
- …
Petition against requiring vaccine passports for domestic & international travel, whether Canadian or not. It’s only open until Nov 23rd. Sponsored by MP Ed Fast. Signing is a two-step process; after filling in the online form, you’ll receive an email to validate your signature.
Petition for civil & human rights. It’s only open until Jan 31st, 2022. Sponsored by MP Dean Allison.
signing is a two-step process; after filling in the online form, you’ll receive an email to validate your signature.
Critics of covid Policy are not anti-vax – video Well worth watching
Dr. Rochagné Kilian Owen Sound ER Doctor speaks out
Bill Maher on Natural Immunity
Dr. Andrew Kaufman – lack of evidence of virus
Canadian Labour Board Rejects Manadates
Profiteering/commercializsation of fetal cells.
“It isn’t a choice when it’s your livelihood, when it’s your future, when it’s your mental health and support [for] your family—all of those things at stake,” Lisa Bildy, a lawyer based in London, Ont said. “To say to those people ‘you have a choice’ is just unbelievably callous.”