Weekly EFT Tap & chats ~ Open to all ~ Contribute / Pay -What-You-Can or Come as my Guest.
Zoom Meeting – Link
Meeting ID: 896 9794 6267
Passcode: Ease
Dates & Times
Mondays Weekly – Evenings in North America & (Tuesday Mornings in Australia & The Far East of Asia)
8:00pm Eastern*
January 20th, 27th,
February 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th,
March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
April …
More dates pending
Eastern Time Zone
Canada (Toronto / Ottawa / Montreal)
United States (New York / Miami / Detroit )
Please allow about 75- 90 minutes for the session – you are welcome to come late and/or drop off early.
Here in Canada it is easy to send someone an E-transfer through online banking with just an email address. Most people are familiar with this method. Unfortunately this option is limited to those with Canadian Bank accounts.
Arrangements can also be made for payment via wire order (i.e. Western Union) or cheque(check). I can accept not only Canadian cheques but also American Checks written from US bank accounts in USD funds. Because 80-90% of Canadians reside close to the border and travel to the US regularly, many of us have a USD account in addition to our primary savings/chequing accounts, and banks can process US funds easily. Pop me an email if you require my postal mailing address.

If you are making a contribution through Paypal please feel free to use your local currency. Paypal can accommodate multiple currencies within the same account.
Join me for Appreciation Rampages and other processes. –> Kallista.ca/Events.
These EFT tapping sessions are for those who want to benefit from EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). You may or may not temporarily be on a restricted budget and/or may want to try EFT before committing to private sessions. While the private sessions are generally more effective, it is certainly an opportunity to experience EFT with minimum expenditure.
I am very grateful that I am no longer
financially strapped. I do recall the challenges of being on a restricted budget, without any savings. I want you to have the opportunity to move forward to achieve your goals, with or without contributing financially. The concept of tithing comes back to giving back to the source of one’s spiritual or emotional sustenance.
The contribution may be just a dollar or two or it may be $5, $10, $20, or $50, what ever inspires you and what your budget can manage. Some may choose to contribute once a month, or once every few sessions or upon completion of a goal or success of a project. If you cannot contribute monetarily, please come and enjoy anyway. You can contribute with notes of gratitude and/or by inviting others. Alternatively we can discuss skill sets, and perhaps I can utilize your expertise. It’s amazing what can be done online and/or delivered through the mail. Let’s open you up to changing and improving your circumstances. Give yourself permission to be pampered and supported during your challenges. You do deserve a little TLC. That’s what this group is for.
A contribution sends a message to the spirits that you are committed to the growth, while also declaring that you are in a position of sharing your abundance. I trust our conversations have given you a bit of knowledge or perspective that has enabled you to move forward with greater ease. Know that by contributing you have my gratitude and I warmly thank you. With hugs when possible.

Invite a friend.
Feel free to share this link with a friend, relative, or associate. As we grow and heal it is good to have those around us also growing and healing.
Zoom Meeting – Link
Meeting ID: 896 9794 6267
Passcode: Ease
Calling in from your phone – Find your local phone number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kdRDU5YV8 This is useful if you do not have access to a computer during the calls. It will be all audio but you’ll be able to listen along and speak as desired.
One-on-One session started with exploring physical pain & fear/discomfort related to pending surgery. Session morphed into issues related to relying on one’s self and one’s support system. Call ended with pain completely dissipated and comfort when contemplating surgery. ~ I received the following email 12 hours later.
Subject: Holy!! ~ After I got off the call I sent out some messages to family here and abroad re: times for tomorrow’s surgery. I got asked how I was feeling. And got an offer to cook some meals when I get home!! That deserves a Holy S**T!! You have some excellent angles I have never seen in other tappers (practitioners). Thank you very much. SB
Privacy Concerns
At the moment the sessions are NOT recorded for public circulation. I am recording the sessions and they are made available to those in attendance only. My regular clients have their own playlist of tapping rounds from our sessions and those in attendance at group sessions have the recordings added to their playlist. Know that you are welcome to have your camera on or off. While the visuals are beneficial EFT can be very effective without. My very first experience with EFT was done over the phone, a colleague just walked me through the process completely.
If you have an audience on your end (i.e. housemates/colleagues) know that you can utilize headphones and you are not required to vocalize anything. You can say the statements quietly in your head and communicate to us, if you desire, through the chat feature. While there are a variety of points that can be utilized, one can also skip the facial points and just use the more discreet hand points.
There are handouts on my website with the EFT points, if you are new to EFT and want to familiarize yourself to the points.